Wellington, New Zealand.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Brighton? Not so. It was cloudy. I love puns.

So today we went to Brighton on the English seaside and it was pretty much like what you'd expect from the English seaside. It had a pier, and a pile of metal that used to be the other pier but I guess it was built with immigrants or something just as shoddy like aluminium or tin, in fact I hear that tins not as structurally sound as we were all led to beleive. Now you can have your cake AND eat it. Hows that for news?

Also Al forgot to mention that when we were in Nimes, I went to a rugby training for this Uni team and played rugby with them and im still sore from exercising for the first time in about 4 months. I assume that about now Benny and jamie are leaving/left after going to the BDO. So they should have fun. Dont know what we are doing tomorrow. We'll have to see if Al wakes up before midday (he rarely does now that he's old).

Tools coming again to NZ in September. Yay for me. I hope I go. It will be a fun time for me. If I go. I hope I do it would be a fun time and I would say Yay, for me.

Friday, January 19, 2007

EasyJet -more like LazyJet

So we made it back to England and to my Uncle's place near London.

We left Nimes in the morning after saying goodbye to the french girls we were staying with. They are going to Australia soon and are thinking of an excursion to New Zealand. I hope they come, because they completely changed my views on the French. And Julie is an amazing cook, particularly when you've been surviving on stale muffins since Valencia.

When we got to London-Gatwick, the landing was a little bumpy but nothing like a typical Wellington day, yet apparently we're in the midst of a perfect storm that has killed a few people so far by falling trees. Therefore, we sat on the tarmac for about an hour because the cargo handlers were too scared (/bound by health and safety regulations) to bring the bridgey thing to the plane. Then when we did finally get off, there was another hour wait for the luggage back-log to go.

I can see why they made that program Airline about EasyJet.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

French people -not as bad as we were led to believe

Firstly, French keyboards are seriously fucked up. From now on I'll type as if it were normal...

So todqy ae qre in NĂ®,es becquse we couldn%t get in touch zith our hosts in Qix or this girl in ?qirseille before lqst night; It is q nice tozn; Even though they hqve exq,s they qre still drinking zith us; French people qre not qs bqd qs the zorld sqys. I feel I should point out, fro, the stqte of the typing, thqt ze qre not drunk noz;;;

To,,oroz ze fly to London to recover qt ,y Uncle%s plqce for q fez dqys before the return journey;

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


himself a new bag -this was mean to go above but then the title would have been too long. Sorry for the confusion. Stop crying, Lucy.

Today we are still in Valencia. This is a day longer than we initially thought, but we needed to do some shopping. I have decided to get small gifts for the flat and the family, because I have to live with them and otherwise they may shit in my shoes (particularly worried about my Dad...). Everyone else, well, it's not that I don't love you but actually it is. That and my bag is not going to fit gifts for my masses and masses of friends. Also, it is heavy as it is.

Today it was cold -only 16 degrees. And not sunny. I guess the sun can't shine every day in Spain. But personally I blame Greg for downloading 'Always take the weather with you' last night so now we will be followed by the shitty weather you guys are having.

Heading to France tommorow, well that is the plan. But our plans haven't gone that well in the past so we may end up in Angola.

We also went to the bull fighting ring today, but there was no fight. I think the whole bull fighting thing is a load of bull made up for the tourists but they never actually do it.

Monday, January 15, 2007

What are you looking at, punk?

We went to this underground punk rock concert last night. It was pretty sweet. The city council apparently gives them these old buildings to turn into concert venues. There was a mosh pit. Well actually there was really just us and the Italians we are staying with and every so often a random. Alessandro accidentally headbutted me in the nose. Mosh pits are fun. Then we went ot go to some other club. I wanted to stop and burn this couch but the Italians weren't so keen -more like Itali-lames... Nah just kidding these guys are really cool.

When we got to the club, it closed like half an hour later. Also, 50 Cent wasn't there so I guess he was lying when he said we could find him in the club in that song. Dick. Then we went to go to another club but it had closed. So we walked home. It was an hour walk, but there was heaps of sweet stuff to see on the way. I set up a shoe shop on the side of the road with some stuff I found in the bin, but Greg, fearing for my sexuality, kicked it down. I think I will always look back on my time as the owner of a shoe shop in Valencia fondly.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Team New Zealand may have sold out

We are in Valencia. It is very nice. Warm and stuff. Not warm enough to swim, but we did do that at a beach in Tarragona next to the old amphitheatre on the way down from Barcelona. Pretty much Spain is awesome.

We went down to the America's Cup village today. It isn't finished yet but I think it will be pretty good. There was no one at the Team New Zealand base -I think they might be training in New Zealand. Most of the other teams are. Actually I should call it Emirates Team New Zealand, because that's its official name here. And also, Steinlager has been cut as a sponsor to make way for the Spanish (and pretty average) beer Estella Damm. Selling out to the man, or the senor perhaps.

We are going out tonight because one of the guy's we are staying with, his home town football team in Italy won it's first game this season (18 matches so far). He says we can't leave because us being in Valencia has been a goof luck charm.