Wellington, New Zealand.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

French people -not as bad as we were led to believe

Firstly, French keyboards are seriously fucked up. From now on I'll type as if it were normal...

So todqy ae qre in Nî,es becquse we couldn%t get in touch zith our hosts in Qix or this girl in ?qirseille before lqst night; It is q nice tozn; Even though they hqve exq,s they qre still drinking zith us; French people qre not qs bqd qs the zorld sqys. I feel I should point out, fro, the stqte of the typing, thqt ze qre not drunk noz;;;

To,,oroz ze fly to London to recover qt ,y Uncle%s plqce for q fez dqys before the return journey;


Anonymous said...

I am in outrage!

Anonymous said...

You boys have a good time. Enjoy your last few days and the rest of your holidays when you get back to NZ. As of early tomorrow morning, Benny and I will be scouting for tits on the golden New Caledonian beaches.
See you both down south.