Wellington, New Zealand.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

To the beach.... and beyond!

Today we took ye olde train from Barcelona (a wonderfully awesomely brilliant town) to Valencia (so far the same-ish as Barcelona) with a 4 hour stopover in Taragona.. or I think thats what it was called. It used to be the capital of Spain...back in the Roman days. It had a wall and a stadium thing and circus. All romanesque. So that was a mean as town. Have to go back one day fo sizzle. We also went to the beach... and beyond. Which mean swimming, and it was nice. As it normally is when its like 22 degrees and there aint a cloud in the sky. So that was sweet. Now were chilling wit some Italian dudes in their casa in Valencia. Its rad. Catch you on the flip side.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Temperature is in the 20s, strawberries are cheaper than in NEw Zealand, and wine in a dollar a bottle. Spain rocks.

We are going on a pub crawl tonight. More details later...

Spain is like Italy except with out as much old stuff. Oh and its like 50x better. And the spanish girls make the italians look like horses. Ugly horses.

Heading to Valencia tommorow.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

That was the wine

The last post revealed, if you had'nt already noticed, that Al is an angry drunk. The Swiss gueards are friendly people and even the 'curtains' arent that impressive. We are about to leave Italy after like a week and a half of weather warmer than in NZ and were hading on to sunnier Spain. I'm wearing a t-shirt at the moment and last time I checked it was raining in NZ. Sorry.

Rome is hilarious. Especially when the police come and the counterfeit sunglass indian dudes run away but then some get caught and the police confiscate their shit. It's mean. In both senses. 1€ for 1 hour internet is sweet too. Well we best go and catch the bus to the plane to the bus. Or we might miss the plane to Barcelona. Try figure that out.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

This beer is hell

There is a beer in Italy called Hell. We didn't buy it -mike the aussie did. It was bad. So we had a couple of casual bottles of wine instead to celebrate our 10th country so far -the Holy See. Its aka's as the Vatican, for those of you who don't know.

It was rainy and the police gave us some free umbrellas they had confisctaed out of a bin because some dodgy indian had dumped them there as he ran from the cops. It was mean.

The Vatican has lots of old stuff and paintings and shit. Forget the ceiling, the most impressive part of the Sistine Chapel is the walls which are painted to look like curtains. Like hardcore curtains. Mean.

I didn't fight the Swiss guards, even though I was angry at them for being Swiss.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I came, I saw, someone tried to pickpocket me

Someone tried to pickpocket me last night. And then we ended up in a bar where there was transvestites. That's what happens when you got to town with an aussie.