Wellington, New Zealand.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

When in Rome

Today we saw the Colosseum and the Forum and stuff. They have a lot of old stuff here. Most of it's broken -as this Aussie guy Michael suggested then could put a couple of concrete blocks anywhere in the city and put a fence around it and the tourists would come and take photos of it. Rome is sweet though.

Last night we had a epic meal. My parents thought we needed to eat well on my birthday so they gave me €100. We had a 5 course meal. The waiter couldn't speak any English and hoped our Italian would be okay... At least we didn't accidentally order shit on a plate or anything.

This American guy was just saying he wants to get arrested here because that's what he does in Europe. It's more fun than in America apparently. But if you're going to smoke weed in front of the Paris Central Police Station...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ti amo Italia!

Good evening from Naples! Especially to our strong following in Sweden (11%). We love Swedish people. Yesterday we woke up in Naples and saw the myraiad of beautiful sites around the city. 3 castles in all which were pretty impressive. New Zealand needs more castles, or atleast some to begin with. So far weve had like 5 pizzas and theyre good. I want more pizza tonight but Al's all like nah I want pasta. Pasta's for bitches, unless its with pasta sauce. That's good. Then today we took the epic train journey to Pompeii and saw the Roman town complete with encased bodies, beware of the dog signs and ruined buildings. I'd say its a good vision of Auckland in 10 years time (Hopefully). Naples is actually remarkably asian seeming. It sounds weird but its kinda crowded and dirty and theres people selling stolen camcorders to you on scooters and theres cheap stuff aplenty. Man i want more pizza. Hope its warming up in NZ now. We were down to t-shirts yesterday but it was only about 13 here today so not that great. Naples is a beautiful city though and a great place to be... unless your a girl apparently. Then your liable to be hit on by every sleazy italian guy/Al. So watch out. Take care, see you on the 23rd/24th!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year. Happy New Year. We are tired and smell like wine. Its 9.46am and I have not slept. We met heaps of randoms and somehow we took like 30 photos each. Hope you all had a good time and did not get rained on. Post comments with what you got up to. Off to Naples I think.

Al learned not to stop Italians fighting because one of them will pick you up and throw you and you will land on your kidney and it hurts. That'll teach him. Have a nice day.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

In Rome/Al's a woman

Hello all from a very temperate Rome: im down to just a jersey. Al worries to much, as you can see from the posts and this combined with the fact that he was crying about needing a shower means that he has, in fact, lost his manhood. Right now im waiting for him to come back and thats why this will be a very rambly post. Congratulations on you achievement Helen, that is something to be proud of. All ive got so far is a letter from Knox saying I lost my key, and possibly an offer for honours in Geography but we'll see. So N-Diddy, you gonna come and see me in London on the 18th/19th/20th/21st of January? You can surely make it down for 1 night (and p.s. Lucy's my girlfriend but if you want we can still sex. Same sex relations are alright.) Tonight is going to be a 12h Spumante binge. Cant wait. I thihnk we'll go to an outdoor party somewhere and throw up. Should be rad- like 1970's rad. Or rad-racer rad (depending which one is more rad). Al sure takes a long time. But hes back yay. Post time.

The plan

We will leave Zurich tonight on a night train, get to Rome tommorow morning, sneak into a youth hostel and use their showers for free, put our bags in lockers at the station and then party all night so we don`t need a place to sleep (lucky I brought caffeine pills with me). Then we`ll head down to Naples to couchsurf till hostels in Rome get cheaper.

This morning our host had to go to work at 6am so we left the flat then to and went up Uitliberg again and watched dawn over the Alps. It was amazing. But incredibly cold. I still feel cold and that was many hours ago. Got some good photos of it though, so you guys can enjoy it without having to endure it.