Wellington, New Zealand.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Back in the Bundesrepublik

So we are back in Germany for a bit. We are currently in Geisenhausen (don't try and find it on a map -you won't), the small Bavarian town where I did my 2-month exchange. Not much seems to have changed in three years and it seems really wierd to be back. I mean, two of the English teachers even recognised me (yes we did go to school for a bit yesterday, wagged German and considered getting drunk before coming back for English with Herr Kraft. In other news, Herr Kraft asked me to coffee...). I'm not sure Maxi told people I was coming because Fischer (one of the guys I hung out with quite a bit) walked into the common room and was like 'holy fuck! Alastair? Does Maxi know you're here?' I was annoyed I hadn't thought of just randomly showing up at his school.

There was an impromtu party last night where we taught everyone circle of death. Bustarhyme becomes a lot more difficult when it is bilingual, particularly for Greg (but also for me -my German has got so much worse although it is getting better. Gifti: #if I recall correctly, didn't you speak fluent German three years ago?' Me 'Yeah...'). Circle of death went down well, so I think we may have introduced scarfie binge drinking to Bavaria (so much for civilised European-style drinking). But this morning when me and Greg were cleaning up the bottles we realised that everyone else totalled had consumed what either on of us would on a normal-big drinking night -they still have so much to learn.

Also, everyone had a strange fascination with me cutting up bodies and wanted stories, particularly the girls -Claudia, who insisted that we turn on 'Doktor House' in the middle of the party, even nicknamed me 'Doktor Alastair' after House. I'm not sure I want to be like House though, because I like walking properly.

As a final note, Fischers proposition last might now means that we have been offered weed in every city except Hamburg.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Hey we're just about to leave Prague. But first we need to get some Absinth to take with us and some flavoured tobacco for Benny's water pipe (apparently it is cheap here).

We don't exactly know how to get where we are going (my exchange student's house in Geisenhausen, Germany) but if we get to Munich we'll be fine. So hopefully we'll get to Munich.

Something really funny happened last night and I laughed till I cried. But I can't remember what it was.

Praha -not a retarded laughing sound

We are in Prague with some guy that knows Hungry Steve. So we were drinking last night. We have had some beers tonight and there seems to have been some weed. Man couchsurfing is just beer and weed man. In Vienna there was so much weed all over the table -here it is not like that but it is actually still here. I like the Czech. Republic -you should "czech" it out. And you could pay for the thingy with a cheque.

We saw the city but we also got lost and I saw a prison because Greg got us lost and then he got off the tram but I didn't. We went to the castle. We didn't pay for the tram because.

Last night we went out with a irish dude, an english dude, a german, a swede, a pole, a slovac, and probably some other people. There was a scary girl that came onto everyone. I thought she was trying to mug me but apparently she was just on something. And we ate a thing. But it wasn't fried cheese unfortunately. Fried cheese is the best thing slovakia gave the world. MAn I could do with some fried cheese now. I wonder if Jon has some cheese.

Ano! Ano!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

We don't need no water let the motherfucker Brno. Brno motherfucker, Brno

We were in Brno last night. We got hammered on pivo (=beer. I have learned everything important in the czech language) and some absinth and then somehow I was in this other bar by myself talking to this random dude and chain-smoking while he bought rounds of rum shots. Then somehow I found Greg and our host Peter again. Sweet night.