Wellington, New Zealand.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

This beer is hell

There is a beer in Italy called Hell. We didn't buy it -mike the aussie did. It was bad. So we had a couple of casual bottles of wine instead to celebrate our 10th country so far -the Holy See. Its aka's as the Vatican, for those of you who don't know.

It was rainy and the police gave us some free umbrellas they had confisctaed out of a bin because some dodgy indian had dumped them there as he ran from the cops. It was mean.

The Vatican has lots of old stuff and paintings and shit. Forget the ceiling, the most impressive part of the Sistine Chapel is the walls which are painted to look like curtains. Like hardcore curtains. Mean.

I didn't fight the Swiss guards, even though I was angry at them for being Swiss.

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