Wellington, New Zealand.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm trying to think of a pun, but Greg 'pun'ishes me now if I do.

Yeah so if I make puns now, Greg waits a couple of sentences and then just repeats it back. Apparently my Uncle is a punny guy too -it must be genetic.

Today we went for a drive around the south of England. Greg: I like the English countryside. Yes Greg, it is nice. We went to a beach where it was stoney. I threw rocks at the sea to get back at the Yrr. Barstards. Greg threw rocks at me because he suspected I was a jew. At first I was angry, but when he explained it like that, I thought it was fair enough.

I need to get a book for the flight because the other books finished and the iPod died. I'm thinking the Koran could be interesting. Well at least if you read out the passages about infidels while boarding. Fuck people at Heathrow are Islamophobic (I learnt a new word on the British Communist Party website -my cousin's homepage). Greg: Al doesn't realise that they're just anti-semitic. I think this smear campaign stems from me having not spent any money after borrowing 50c from him in France...

We have been spreading the word of Flight of the Conchords, who, with our help, should be set to 'take-off' over here. Hahahahaha. But I think they'll just crash and burn in Paris... too soon? Greg: Don't laugh that's not funny. Nah just kidding it's fucking hilarious.


Anonymous said...

So the "Current Location: Nimes, France" is wrong... or does France = "South East England"!?! I never knew you were secretly pro-English... Outraged Frenchmen indeed :D

PS. Or maybe you just didn't update it

PPS. Thanks for the card

Alastair said...

It should have said "Hayward's Health, Britain" but my Uncle's computer wouldn't let me change it for some reason and then when I tried to change it at Heathrow the internet wouldn't let me even view the blog due to "high pornographic content".