Wellington, New Zealand.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ti amo Italia!

Good evening from Naples! Especially to our strong following in Sweden (11%). We love Swedish people. Yesterday we woke up in Naples and saw the myraiad of beautiful sites around the city. 3 castles in all which were pretty impressive. New Zealand needs more castles, or atleast some to begin with. So far weve had like 5 pizzas and theyre good. I want more pizza tonight but Al's all like nah I want pasta. Pasta's for bitches, unless its with pasta sauce. That's good. Then today we took the epic train journey to Pompeii and saw the Roman town complete with encased bodies, beware of the dog signs and ruined buildings. I'd say its a good vision of Auckland in 10 years time (Hopefully). Naples is actually remarkably asian seeming. It sounds weird but its kinda crowded and dirty and theres people selling stolen camcorders to you on scooters and theres cheap stuff aplenty. Man i want more pizza. Hope its warming up in NZ now. We were down to t-shirts yesterday but it was only about 13 here today so not that great. Naples is a beautiful city though and a great place to be... unless your a girl apparently. Then your liable to be hit on by every sleazy italian guy/Al. So watch out. Take care, see you on the 23rd/24th!


Anonymous said...

Haha I was bored this morning before work so i decided to finally check out the blog. Sounds brilliant. Unfortunately for you two, you will never be able to live down the fact that you blacked out and woke up in the same bed... Greg i hope you got an STD check and some penicillin, Al is pretty skody. Benny saw Kayla! she does exist! Admittedly he only saw her for about 10 seconds, and it could have been some random chick i payed to be friendly. but o well. Speaking of friendly chicks i like Benny's friends. I saw an unreasonable amount of boobies on new years eve and my eyeballs are still struggling back into their sockets. Im not sure how im going to survive on the beaches in NC. But that's life, we struggle on. Still havn't heard from Knox about rooms or anything. In fact, i havn't even got a letter to say ive been accepted back in... I hope he doesn't expect me to do beadly duties if im not even living there. Well, have fun. Se you both in february.

Alastair said...

Don't lie, Kayla isn't real.