Wellington, New Zealand.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Al wants an east Berlin boyfriend

Actually not, but Greg tried to urinate in a lift and then pick up a girl from the Santa thingy. Then these four asian girls had a massive fight in the middle of the shopping market. Yeah so today we went to the really east bit of east Berlin. Just like the stereotypes pretty much. Also, we tried to drive down some train tracks... Not that much happened today.

The camera is dead -so maybe no photos from now on. Fuck you KCSC. I wouldn't have taken the free camera if I had known it was as crap as the Medieval Battle this year. Maybe if their secretary wasn't such a hottie, (Greg added that, I was going for a different word...) they would get something done in meetings other than urinating on each other.


Jono said...

Well I have been told by Lisa that this is nothing unusual, but was Greg pissed, if not good on him. You say tried, does this mean he didn't achieve.

Alastair said...

Nah there was no alcohol involved at all. We were in an East Berlin Shopping mall in the afternoon. He didn't get to piss in the elevator because our host stopped him and said even though it was East Berlin you can't do that kind of shit. But we had only been is Vienna for like 5 minutes and we saw some guy just pissing in the corner at the train station. Greg will fit in here