Wellington, New Zealand.

Friday, January 26, 2007

I died

Nah! Haha just kidding!
at home

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Yay I didn't die

Back in the New Zealand now. Not dead. Good.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Amongst the Crasians (crazy asians)

Some of you may have heard that we were meant to be on different flights from Taiwan, with Greg staying a full day. However, it turns out the flight I was booked on didn't exist... so now we're on the same flight. Although all this was fixed at the counter for free, it does mean I miss my flight to Wellington by a day, and then the bastards charged me $120 to change it. I don't know if EVA Air fucked up, or if it was STA Travel, but someone is going to give me that money back or their offices will be torched. Not by me... By someone else... Who looks like me on security cameras but isn't actually me. Honest.

So today we are in Taiwan. I didn't have any money, but then my parents gave me some as emergency because I thought I was flying straight through. Taiwan uses dollars, but its 20:1 to NZ$ so I feel rich. We are going on a free tour, after free night in 5-star hotel, with free buffet breakfast and now I'm using free internet. Taiwan is a cheap place.

Also, Laser Mission is a sweet movie. It was the classic on the flight over. Classic.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm trying to think of a pun, but Greg 'pun'ishes me now if I do.

Yeah so if I make puns now, Greg waits a couple of sentences and then just repeats it back. Apparently my Uncle is a punny guy too -it must be genetic.

Today we went for a drive around the south of England. Greg: I like the English countryside. Yes Greg, it is nice. We went to a beach where it was stoney. I threw rocks at the sea to get back at the Yrr. Barstards. Greg threw rocks at me because he suspected I was a jew. At first I was angry, but when he explained it like that, I thought it was fair enough.

I need to get a book for the flight because the other books finished and the iPod died. I'm thinking the Koran could be interesting. Well at least if you read out the passages about infidels while boarding. Fuck people at Heathrow are Islamophobic (I learnt a new word on the British Communist Party website -my cousin's homepage). Greg: Al doesn't realise that they're just anti-semitic. I think this smear campaign stems from me having not spent any money after borrowing 50c from him in France...

We have been spreading the word of Flight of the Conchords, who, with our help, should be set to 'take-off' over here. Hahahahaha. But I think they'll just crash and burn in Paris... too soon? Greg: Don't laugh that's not funny. Nah just kidding it's fucking hilarious.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Brighton? Not so. It was cloudy. I love puns.

So today we went to Brighton on the English seaside and it was pretty much like what you'd expect from the English seaside. It had a pier, and a pile of metal that used to be the other pier but I guess it was built with immigrants or something just as shoddy like aluminium or tin, in fact I hear that tins not as structurally sound as we were all led to beleive. Now you can have your cake AND eat it. Hows that for news?

Also Al forgot to mention that when we were in Nimes, I went to a rugby training for this Uni team and played rugby with them and im still sore from exercising for the first time in about 4 months. I assume that about now Benny and jamie are leaving/left after going to the BDO. So they should have fun. Dont know what we are doing tomorrow. We'll have to see if Al wakes up before midday (he rarely does now that he's old).

Tools coming again to NZ in September. Yay for me. I hope I go. It will be a fun time for me. If I go. I hope I do it would be a fun time and I would say Yay, for me.

Friday, January 19, 2007

EasyJet -more like LazyJet

So we made it back to England and to my Uncle's place near London.

We left Nimes in the morning after saying goodbye to the french girls we were staying with. They are going to Australia soon and are thinking of an excursion to New Zealand. I hope they come, because they completely changed my views on the French. And Julie is an amazing cook, particularly when you've been surviving on stale muffins since Valencia.

When we got to London-Gatwick, the landing was a little bumpy but nothing like a typical Wellington day, yet apparently we're in the midst of a perfect storm that has killed a few people so far by falling trees. Therefore, we sat on the tarmac for about an hour because the cargo handlers were too scared (/bound by health and safety regulations) to bring the bridgey thing to the plane. Then when we did finally get off, there was another hour wait for the luggage back-log to go.

I can see why they made that program Airline about EasyJet.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

French people -not as bad as we were led to believe

Firstly, French keyboards are seriously fucked up. From now on I'll type as if it were normal...

So todqy ae qre in NĂ®,es becquse we couldn%t get in touch zith our hosts in Qix or this girl in ?qirseille before lqst night; It is q nice tozn; Even though they hqve exq,s they qre still drinking zith us; French people qre not qs bqd qs the zorld sqys. I feel I should point out, fro, the stqte of the typing, thqt ze qre not drunk noz;;;

To,,oroz ze fly to London to recover qt ,y Uncle%s plqce for q fez dqys before the return journey;